Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced Janata Curfew on Sunday(22nd March) in the wake of COVID 19 outbreak. It will be self-imposed and self-regulated and will be effective from 7 in the morning till 9 in the evening. He said, no one should step out of their homes during this period except those people in essential services.
The Prime Minister was addressing the nation last evening in light of the coronavirus outbreak. He also urged countrymen to thank people like doctors, medical personnel and cleaning staff for their service on Sunday at 5 PM.
Mr Modi requested all people to step out of house in the coming few weeks only if extremely necessary, and work from home as much as possible. He also urged senior citizens above the age of 65 years to stay at
home in the coming days.
The Prime Minister said government is taking all necessary steps to ensure supply of essential commodities. He appealed to the people not to go for panic buying. The Prime Minister also appealed to the business community to take care of the economic needs of their employees by not deducting their salary if they are not able to come to work.
Prime Minister also said government has decided to constitute a Task Force under the Chairmanship of Finance Minister which will interact with all the stakeholders. Mr Modi pointed out that for a developing country like India with a huge population, coronavirus will not be easy to dealt with. He said resolve and restraint are a must in order to contain the outbreak.