Prime Minister Narendra Modi has congratulated King Charles III and Queen Camilla on their coronation. In a tweet, Mr. Modi said we are sure that the India-UK relationship will be strengthened further in the coming years. Vice-President Jagdeep Dhankhar and his wife Dr Sudesh Dhankhar attended the Coronation ceremony in London.
King Charles III was crowned during a majestic and deeply religious ceremony at Westminster Abbey in London on Saturday. After the service, the King and selected members of the royal family made the customary
appearance on the Buckingham Palace balcony.
US President Joe Biden also congratulated the King and Queen. He noted the enduring friendship between the United Kingdom and United States. French President Emmanuel Macron said King Charles III and Queen Camilla are friends of France. President of the European Council Charles Michel extended his best wishes to King Charles III and Queen Camilla in a tweet, adding that the council appreciates the King's dedication to environmental efforts.