New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi greeted President Droupadi Murmu on her 65th Birthday today. In a tweet, the Prime Minister described her as a beacon of wisdom, dignity and commitment to the welfare of people, and said, she is admired for her efforts to further the nation’s progress.
Wishing Ms Droupadi Murmu good health and a long life, Mr Modi added that her dedication continues to inspire us all.
President Droupadi Murmu was born in a Santhali tribal family on 20 June, 1958 at Uparbeda village, Mayurbhanj in Odisha. She was sworn in as the 15th
President of India on 25 July, 2022.
Previously, she was the Governor of Jharkhand from 2015 to 2021. She is the first person belonging to the tribal community and also the second woman after Mrs Pratibha Patil to hold this office.
From 1979 to 1983, Ms Murmu served as a Junior Assistant in the Irrigation and Power Department, Government of Odisha.
Later, she served as an honorary teacher at Sri Aurobindo Integral Education Centre, Rairangpur, from 1994 to 1997.