Prime Minister Narendra Modi yesterday reviewed the situation in Uttarakhand. He spoke to Chief Minister Trivendra Singh Rawat and other top officials. The Prime Minister's Office said in a tweet that Mr Modi took stock of the rescue and relief work underway. Authorities are working to provide all possible support to the affected.
In a tweet, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that he is constantly monitoring the situation in Uttarakhand. He said India stands with Uttarakhand and the nation prays for everyone’s safety there. He said he has been continuously speaking to senior authorities and getting s on NDRF deployment, rescue work and relief operations.
The Home Ministry is closely monitoring the situation. Home Minister Amit Shah said in a series of tweets that he spoke to the Uttarakhand Chief Minister as well as DG ITBP and DG NDRF. He said all the concerned officers are working on a war footing to ensure security of all people.
Mr Shah ensured that every possible help will be provided to the Devbhoomi. Mr Shah has said that the three teams of National Disaster Response Force, NDRF has reached Uttarakhand to provide all possible support to the affected people. He said, the teams of ITBP and SDRF have also reached there. Mr Shah said, the Air Force has also been watchful.
The Home Minister said, the Modi government stands with the people of Uttarakhand in this difficult time.
The National Crisis Management Committee, NCMC yesterday met in New Delhi to review the situation arising out of the natural disaster in Uttarakhand caused by glacial burst. The meeting was held under the chairmanship of Cabinet Secretary Rajiv Gauba. The glacial burst led to the rising of water levels in the river Rishiganga, which washed away the Rishiganga small hydro project of 13.2 Mega Watt. The flash flood also affected the downstream hydro project of NTPC at Tapovan on the river Dhauliganga, which is a tributary of the river Alaknanda.
The Cabinet Secretary directed the concerned agencies to work in close co-ordination and extend all
requisite assistance to the State administration. He emphasized the need to account for all missing persons and ensure that those trapped in the tunnel are rescued at the earliest. He directed that surveillance should be maintained till rescue efforts are completed and the situation returns to normalcy.
The Chief Secretary of Government of Uttarakhand briefed the Committee through Video Conferencing, on the ground situation as well as the actions taken by them after the incident to evacuate people and to contain the damage caused by the flooding due to the glacial burst.
However, there is no danger of downstream flooding and the rise in water level has been contained, as per the information given by the Central Water Commission. There is also no threat to the neighbouring villages.
The concerned agencies of the Centre and the State were asked to keep a strict vigil on the situation, and a team from DRDO, which monitors avalanches, is being flown in for surveillance and reconnaissance. MD, National Thermal Power Corporation, NTPC has been asked to reach the affected site immediately.
It was further informed that around 12 persons trapped in a tunnel have been rescued by the ITBP and efforts are on to rescue others trapped in another tunnel, which is being co-ordinated by the Army and ITBP. All out efforts are being made to ensure that all missing people are traced and accounted for.
More than two hundred ITBP personnel are on the spot, and one column and Engineering Task Force of the Army, with all rescue equipment have been deployed. Navy divers are being flown in and aircrafts and helicopters of the Indian Air Force are on standby.
India Meteorological Department has informed during the meeting that there is no rainfall warning in the region for the next two days. The meeting was attended by Union Home Secretary, Secretary of the Ministry of Power, DG ITBP, Members of NDMA, DG NDRF, Chairman CWC, DG IMD and Chairman DRDO, along with other senior officers.