New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday paid tributes to Vinoba Bhave on his birth anniversary, saying he carried forward the noble Gandhian principles after India attained independence.
Born in 1895, Bhave dedicated his life to propagating Gandhian values and is particularly known for "Bhoodan" campaign as he persuaded people across the country to donate a part of their land that he distributed among the landless poor.
Modi said his mass movements were aimed at ensuring a better quality of life for the poor and downtrodden. His emphasis on collective spirit will always continue to inspire generations, he said.
"Acharya Vinoba Bhave carried forward the noble Gandhian principles after India attained independence.
"Mahatma Gandhi described him as someone
who was absolutely against untouchability, unwavering in his commitment to India's freedom and a firm believer in non-violence as well as constructive work. He was a thinker par excellence," Modi tweeted.
Admired for his simplicity, work and outlook, Bhave's comments seen to be supportive of the Emergency period had also drawn criticism.
The Prime Minister also tweeted his tributes to Tamil literary icon Subramania Bharati on his 100th death anniversary on Saturday.
"On his 100th Punya Tithi, paying homage to the remarkable Subramania Bharati. We recall his rich scholarship, multi-faceted contributions to our nation, noble ideals on social justice and women empowerment," he said and posted a speech he had given on Bharati in December last year.