Prime Minister Narendra Modi yesterday said that Yuva Bharat will combat terrorism. Speaking to National Cadet Corps cadets at Cariappa ground in New Delhi, Mr Modi said, the present government freed Kashmir from terrorism. He said, Kashmir problem was persisting since Independence but nothing was done to solve the problem.
The Prime Minister said, Kashmir is country's jewel and freeing it from problems was a responsibility and NDA Government delivered on this. Prime Minister Modi urged youths to avoid delay in bringing change. He said, India is a nation of young people. Mr Modi said, everyone must work together to take nation to new heights keeping in mind past challenges
and future goals.
Prime Minister also highlighted how the situation in North Eastern states have improved a lot. Mr Modi expressed happiness that after decades, India got its next generation fighter plane Rafale.
Saying Citizenship Amendment Act is not against Muslims, Prime Minister said, minorities are under attack in Pakistan. He said, innocent Hindu girls have been abducted and converted. Mr Modi said, Pakistan is fighting a proxy war but Indian Army can defeat them in 10 days. Prime Minister said, the present government at Centre opened Kartarpur Corridor after 70 years.