Prime Minister Narendra Modi yesterday said that priority should be given to duties rather than rights. Interacting with the 49 awardees of Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar, Mr. Modi said that he is amazed that at such a young age these children performed incredible tasks. He said, these children have shown courage to fight difficult situations.
Appreciating the work done by the children, who got national awards in various categories, the Prime Minister said, he is proud to see the awareness of their duty towards society and the nation. He said, he gets inspiration and energy from
the children. He added that one must never rest on their laurels and achievements and always think that they still have a lot to contribute to the country.
Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar aims at encouraging children to excel in different fields and recognize efforts of institutions doing exceptional work for children. The Bal Shakti Puraskar is given in the fields of innovation, social service, scholastic, sports, bravery and arts and culture. The award carries a medal, cash prize of one lakh rupees, a certificate and citation.