Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address a Jan Sankalp Sabha at Mapusa in North Goa this evening. Meanwhile, campaigning is reaching its peak as leaders of various political parties including BJP, Congress, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and TMC are making all-out efforts to woo voters. Polling in Goa will be held in a single phase in 40 constituencies on 14th of this month.
While addressing election meetings Senior BJP leader and Union Home Minister Amit Shah exhorted people to vote in favour of party candidates to make golden Goa.Mr Shah said mining work will be started within six months if BJP is voted to
Accusing Congress Defence Minister Rajnath Singh said Goa would have been liberated in 1947 itself if the armed forces were ordered to free it from Portuguese rule and held responsible to then Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.On the other hand Senior Congress leader and former Chief Minister Digambar Kamat alleged BJP is misguiding people.
Criticising BJP rule in the state TMC leader and MP Sushmita Dev said BJP has no road map to improve economic situation of Goa.AAP Chief Ministerial candidate Amit Palekar said people of Goa have now realised the truth of BJP and will not fall for its false promises.