New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address the Post-Budget Webinar on ‘Health and Medical Research’ today at 10 AM via video conferencing.
It is the Ninth of a series of 12 Post-Budget Webinars being organized by the Union Government to pool in insights, ideas and suggestions for effective implementation of the initiatives announced in the Union Budget 2023-24.
The Union Budget is underpinned by seven priorities which complement each other and act as the ‘Saptarishi’ guiding through the Amrit Kaal.
Inclusive development is one of the priorities of the Government which includes
establishment of 157 new Nursing Colleges, encouraging Public and Private Medical Research in Indian Council of Medical Research- ICMR labs and Pharma Innovation and multidisciplinary courses for medical devices.
The Webinar will have three simultaneous Breakout Sessions covering both Health and Pharma sectors.
Besides Ministers and Secretaries of the concerned Central Government Ministries, a host of stakeholders drawn from Health Departments of States and UTs and subject experts would attend the Webinar and contribute through suggestions for better implementation of the Budget announcements.