Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address all the Gram Sabhas and Panchayati Raj Institutions of the country today at National Panchayati Raj Day celebrations in Rewa, Madhya Pradesh. The Prime Minister will also lay the foundation stone and inaugurate projects worth more than 17 thousand crores.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will virtually attend the house warming ceremony of 4 lakh 11 thousand beneficiaries of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana at the function.
Madhya Pradesh Governor Mangubhai Patel, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan, Central Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Minister Giriraj Singh, several Union ministers and MP government ministers will also participate in the programme.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the integrated e-Gram Swaraj and GeM portal for public procurement at the panchayat level. The objective of this project is to enable Panchayats to market their goods and services through GeM. The Prime Minister
will also launch the campaign "Vikas aur Sajhe Khadam" "means Joint steps towards development". Focused on inclusive development, the campaign will focus on extending the benefits of schemes to the last mile.
The Prime Minister will hand over around 35 lakh Swamitva Property Cards to the beneficiaries. With the handing over of these cards, about 1 crore 25 lakh property cards would have been distributed in the ownership scheme in the country. Prime Minister Shri Modi will lay the foundation stone and inaugurate various railway projects worth about Rs 2 thousand 300 crore. The Prime Minister will inaugurate the redevelopment of Gwalior station and flag off three trains. In the program, the Prime Minister will also lay the foundation stone of 5 projects of Jal Jeevan Mission worth about Rs 7 thousand 853 crore. Around 9.5 lakh families of more than 4 thousand villages will be benefitted by these schemes.