Prime Minister Narendra Modi will dedicate one lakh 25 thousand Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samidhi Kendra-PMKSKs to the nation at Sikar in Rajasthan today. These centers will act as a one-stop shop for all agriculture-related inputs and services. The Government of India has decided to convert the existing village, block and district-level fertilizer retail shops into the Model Fertilizer Retail Shops also known as the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samidhi Kendra.
These Kendra will cater to a wide variety of needs of the farmers and provide agri-inputs, testing facilities for soil and seed and provide information regarding various government
The Prime Minister will also launch 'Urea Gold'. This is a new variety of sulfur-coated urea, which will help to remove sulfur deficiency in the soil. During the programme, he will also launch the inclusion of 1500 Farmer Producer Organizations on the Open Network of Digital Commerce.
Mr. Modi will release an amount of about 17 thousand crore rupees to more than 8.5 crore beneficiaries through DBT as the 14th installment. He will address the Kisan Sabha. The Prime Minister will lay the foundation stone and inaugurate various development projects of Rajasthan.