Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Tamil Nadu and Kerala on February 14 and lay the foundation stone of multiple projects. One of the key highlights of PM Modi's visit is going to be the handing over of the Arjun Main Battle Tank (MK-1A) to the Indian Army, at Chennai. The tank has been indigenously developed in India.
During the event, Prime Minister will hand over the State-of-the-Art Arjun Main Battle Tank (MK-1A) to the Indian
Army. This Battle Tank has been indigenously designed, developed and manufactured by CVRDE, DRDO along with 15 academic institutions, 8 labs and several MSMEs.
At around 3:30 PM on February 14, Prime Minister will lay the foundation stone and dedicate various projects to the nation, at Kochi. These projects will add crucial momentum to the growth trajectory of these states and help hasten the pace of realizing full development potential.
Which political party will win the Delhi Assembly polls to be held on Feb 5?