Prime Minister Narendra Modi will flag off five new Vande Bharat Express trains simultaneously on June 27 this year. These semi-high-speed trains are manufactured in accordance with the Make in India policy by ICF. These trains will connect various cities across the country. They will operate on routes including Goa-Mumbai, Patna-Ranchi, Bhopal-Indore, Bhopal-Jabalpur, and Bangalore-Hubli-Dharwad, news agency ANI reported quoting the official sources of the Ministry of Railways.
The introduction of these new Vande Bharat Express trains will boost tourism, trade and economic development. As these trains are manufactured domestically, contributing
to the growth of the country's manufacturing sector, it will also provide a significant impetus to the 'Make in India' initiative.
With the introduction of these new trains, the total number of Vande Bharat trains running on the country's rail network will reach on 23. The addition of these trains will provide greater convenience to the residents of these cities, offering them a comfortable and modern mode of rail travel.
The Indian Railways initiative to unveil these five new Vande Bharat Express trains signifies the government's commitment to strengthening the railway infrastructure and enhancing travel options for the citizens.