Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate and lay the foundation stone of various railway projects via video conferencing today. In a key move to further boost connectivity in the region, the Prime Minister will inaugurate the new Jammu Railway Division. He will also inaugurate the Charlapalli New Terminal Station in Telangana and lay the foundation stone of the Rayagada Railway Division Building of East Coast Railway.
Charlapalli Railway Terminal Stations in the Medchal-Malkajgiri district of Telangana have been developed as a new coaching terminal along with the provision of a second entry with a cost of over 400 crore rupees. This environment-friendly terminal has provided good passenger amenities and is expected to ease congestion on the existing Stations in the city including Secunderabad, Hyderabad and Kacheguda.
Several Central Ministers including Union Minister G Kishan Reddy will be taking part in the program in
person. Officials informed that the Terminal station is equipped with several facilities available in most airports while also providing a seamless travel experience to the customers. It will have nine platforms, including four newly constructed ones that can accommodate 20 long-distance trains and increased passenger traffic.
The modern amenities include separate waiting rooms for men and women, an executive lounge, cafeterias, and restaurants to cater to the needs of passengers. Its strategic location near the Outer Ring Road (ORR) will facilitate easier access to commuters travelling from the suburbs.
Two-foot over bridges have been newly constructed to facilitate easier inter-platform movement. Modern bathroom facilities, coach maintenance facilities, and eco-friendly measures like rainwater harvesting pits, and solar panels among others are available for users.