New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will launch the first ever National Infrastructure Masterplan, Pradhan Mantri Gati Shakti on Wednesday. The Gati Shakti scheme was announced by Mr Modi on Independence Day this year. This will bring together 16 Ministries, including seven core infrastructure sectors, on one platform to synergise project planning across stakeholder ministries to avoid duplication, expedite clearances and plug gaps at the right time.

The Gati Shakti platform will provide information instantaneously, allowing for better coordination. The plan is aimed at achieving three basic goals - seamless multimodal connectivity to facilitate easy movement of goods and people, improved prioritisation, optimal usage of resources, timely creation of capacities, and resolution of issues such as disjointed planning, standardisation and clearances.

The Gati Shakti Master Plan will provide

the framework for the National Infrastructure Pipeline program and is aimed at making Indian products more competitive by cutting down the logistics costs and improving the supply chains.Pradhan Mantri Gati Shakti scheme is aimed at giving a foundation for holistic infrastructure and an integrated pathway to the economy. It will help the country's local manufacturers turn globally competitive.

The new initiative worth over one hundred lakh crore rupees will also bring employment opportunities to the youth. The plan is to attract investment from all over the world for improving the infrastructure of the country. The scheme will also give a new direction and a fresh momentum to the overall infrastructure development of the country. The seamless multi-modal connectivity will ensure seamless movement of goods and people and enhance ease of living as well as ease of doing business.

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