Prime Minister Narendra Modi will lay the foundation stone of nine highway projects worth 14,258 crore rupees in Bihar through video conferencing today. These highway projects involve a road length of about 350 kilometres at a cost of four thousand two hundred 58 crore rupees. Prominent road projects are six laning of 39 km stretch of Patna Ring road, four laning of Ara-Mohania section of NH 30, Bakhtiarpur-Rajauli section of NH 31 and four laning of Narenpur-Purnea section of NH 131A.

Paving the way for development of Bihar, these roads will enhance better connectivity, convenience and economic growth in and around the state. Movement of people and goods will also improve substantially, especially with the neighbouring states of Uttar Pradesh and Jharkhand.

The Prime Minister had declared a special package for significant infrastructure development of Bihar in the year 2015. This included 75 projects worth 54 thousand 700 crore rupees, of which 13 projects have been completed, work is underway at 38 while others are in DPR, Bidding or Sanction stage.

Bihar will get a major boost in the bridge sector too as the Prime Minister will inaugurate three mega bridges during the event. The bridges include four lane bridge parallel to existing Mahatma Gandhi Setu in Patna, four lane bridge over

Kosi river and four lane bridge parallel to existing Vikramshila Setu in Bhagalpur. With the completion of these projects, all rivers in Bihar will have bridges conforming to 21st century specifications and all major National Highways will stand widened and strengthened.

Under the Prime Minister’s package, the total number of bridges over Ganga river are going to be 17, with a lane capacity of 62. This way, on an average, there will be a bridge over rivers in the state at every 25 Kilometres.

The Prime Minister will also inaugurate the Optical Fibre internet services where all the 45 thousand nine hundred 45 villages of Bihar will be connected through Optical Fibre Internet Service. The project will be executed by combined efforts of the Department of Telecom, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology and Common Service Centres (CSC). The project would also entail implementation of one wi-fi and five free of cost connections to Government Institutions like Primary Schools, Anganwadi Centres, Aasha Workers and Jeevika Didi.

This project will help in easy availability of digital services like e-Education, e-Agriculture, Tele-Medicine, Tele-law and other social security schemes to all citizens of Bihar at the click of the button. 

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