Prime Minister Narendra Modi will participate in the Viksit Bharat Young Leaders Dialogue 2025 at Bharat Mandapam in New Delhi tomorrow on the occasion of National Youth Day, commemorating the birth anniversary of youth icon and one of the greatest spiritual leaders of India, Swami Vivekananda.
During the dialogue, Mr. Modi will engage with three thousand dynamic young leaders from across the country. The Prime Minister will also release a compilation of best essays written by participants on the ten themes. These themes encompass diverse areas such as technology, sustainability, women empowerment, manufacturing, and agriculture.
The Prime Minister will also join the
young leaders for lunch, providing them an opportunity to share their ideas, experiences and aspirations directly to him. This personal interaction will bridge the gap between governance and youth aspirations, fostering a deeper sense of ownership and responsibility among the participants.
The Viksit Bharat Young Leaders Dialogue aims to break the 25-year-old tradition of holding the National Youth Festival in a conventional manner. It aligns with Prime Minister Modi’s Independence Day call to engage one lakh youth in politics without political affiliations and provide them a national platform to make their ideas for Viksit Bharat.