Prime Minister Narendra Modi will interact with more than 150 startups from various sectors, including agriculture and health, on Saturday via video conferencing. Startups from various sectors such as enterprise systems, space, industry 4.0, security, fintech, environment besides agriculture and health will be part of this interaction, the PMO said on Friday.
More than 150 startups have been divided into six working groups based on themes including growing from roots, nudging the DNA, from local to global, technology of future, building champions in manufacturing,
and sustainable development, it said in a release.
Each group will make a presentation before Modi on the allotted theme in the interaction. The aim of the interaction is to understand how startups can contribute to national needs by driving innovation in the country, the release said.
As part of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, a week-long event, "Celebrating Innovation Ecosystem", is being hosted by DPIIT, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, during January 10-16. The event marks the sixth anniversary of the launch of the 'Startup India' initiative.