Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union Home Minister Amit Shah and Bharatiya Janta Party chief JP Nadda are scheduled to visit West Bengal in June as part of nine-year celebrations of the Modi Government in the Centre.
"We will present a report card on the completion of nine years of the Modi government and Prime Minister Narendra Modi will attend the programme along with the Union Home Minister Amit Shah and BJP chief JP Nadda," West Bengal BJP chief Sukanta Majumdar said while speaking to the media.
"BJP is starting preparations for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. We will go to every house in the state to present a detailed account of the work done by the Prime Minister in the last nine years," he said to the media.
"This programme will go on for one month. Three meetings will be held in the state in June and 10 Union Ministers will also visit the state and participate in this programme," he added.
The West Bengal BJP has also formed a special committee in the state to present the report card of the Narendra Modi government on the completion of nine years of the Modi
government at the centre.
Informing the press about the committee, BJP West Bengal chief Sukanta Majumdar said, "Every worker and supporter of the BJP government will present the report card of the Narendra Modi government on the completion of nine years of the Narendra Modi government at the centre."
"Panchayat polls are scheduled in the state, followed by the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. So, this time Prime Minister Narendra Modi's report card will be presented to the people of the state," he informed the media during the press conference.
"A special committee was formed by the Bengal BJP to prepare this programme. It includes 7 people including the Member of Parliament, Saumitra Khan as convener of the committee," he said while explaining the role and members of the committee.
According to BJP sources, the Union government projects and various schemes such as Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana and Pradhan Mantri Mudra Loan will be presented to the people of the state in the one-month programme to celebrate the nine years of the Modi government at the Centre.