Bhopal: Preparations are underway for Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Madhya Pradesh on Monday. Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan while reviewing the arrangements has said that Tribal pride day, the birth anniversary of Amar Shaheed Bhagwan Birsa Munda is an occasion for the manifestation of joy. The Prime Minister will launch the programmes for the development and welfare of tribes on November 15 at Jamburi Maidan, Bhopal.
There is a lot of
enthusiasm in the tribal districts like Jhabua, Alirajpur regarding Tribal Pride Day. Gaurav Yatras are being taken out from every village. Programme is being organized in all tribal dominated gram panchayats along with Bhopal where local residents will be connected to the programme through television and webcast. Vehicles coming during Tribal Pride Day will be exempted from toll tax. Tribal communities will take part in their traditional attire.