Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said, 130 crore Indians should act as national volunteers in fighting the pandemic. Interacting with Radio Jockeys, RJs through video conference yesterday, he said that the public should cooperate with police, adding that while police should avoid usage of strong arm tactics, it is also necessary to enforce discipline. 

The Prime Minister observed that public broadcaster All India Radio has a particularly important role to play in stopping the flow of rumours. Mr Modi requested the RJs to work towards checking the spread of rumours. He said, RJs have a great responsibility not just to disseminate and disabuse superstitions but also motivate people.

Prime Minister exhorted the RJs to disseminate positive stories and case studies, particularly of those patients that have fully recovered from coronavirus

infection, and also inter-play such stories in different parts of the country, thus bringing the entire country together.  

Emphasizing the importance of empathy, Mr Modi said, it is important to tell the stories of misbehavior with doctors, health care workers and airline staff due to societal fears of them being infected by the virus, so that such challenges are overcome. He also stressed the importance of educating the public about the dedication of police personnel who are working continuously to assist the public.

Prime Minister said that the government has announced a number of measures to assist the poor and under-privileged in this difficult time and it is important that information about these announcements reaches the intended beneficiaries swiftly and in a timely fashion. 

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