New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said, globally, the mobile workforce is going to be a reality in the future. He said, therefore, it is now time to globalise the development and sharing of skills in the true sense.
Mr. Modi said, the G-20 must play a leading role in this subject. The Prime Minister was addressing the Labour and Employment Ministers meeting of G-20 nations at Indore in Madhya Pradesh through a video message.
Commending the efforts to initiate the international referencing of occupations by skills and qualification requirements, the Prime Minister said, this
requires new models of international cooperation & coordination and migration & mobility partnerships.
Mr Modi described the importance of sharing statistics, information and data regarding employees and workers. He said, this will empower the countries across the globe to formulate evidence based policies for better skilling, workforce planning and gainful employment.
Union Minister for Labour and Employment Bhupendra Yadav also addressed the opening session of Ministers and other stakeholders of the Labour and Employment sector.