Prime Minister Narendra Modi's security was allegedly breached during a mega roadshow in poll-bound Karnataka's Mysuru on Saturday (April 30). A mobile phone was thrown towards PM Modi during his roadshow today near Mysuru's KR Circle during the roadshow.
In a video tweeted by a news agency ANI, it can be seen that the mobile phone was landing on the bonnet of the specially designed vehicle, as part of campaigning for the Assembly elections. It was flung at the vehicle and did not go unnoticed by the Prime Minister who indicated about the object to the Special Protection Group (SPG) sleuths who were accompanying him.
However, the police said that the phone was hurled
out of "excitement" by a woman BJP worker who had no "ill-intention". "The Prime Minister was under the protection of the SPG. The lady (whose phone fell on the PM's vehicle) was a BJP worker. The SPG people returned it to her later," Additional Director General of Police (Law and Order), Alok Kumar told PTI. "In the excitement (of the event), it was thrown and she had no (ill) intention but we are trying to trace the lady because the phone was handed over to her by the SPG sleuths," he added.
The incident happened when Modi, flanked by Mysuru-Kodagu MP Pratap Simha and former ministers K S Eshwarappa and S A Ramadas, was waving at people who gathered in large numbers on both sides of the roads.