Prime Minister Narendra Modi had a telephonic conversation with the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman. During the conversation, the two leaders discussed the global situation regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.
Mr Modi emphasised the need for coordinated efforts to adequately address this global challenge, which has impacted not only the health and well-being of several hundred thousand people but also threatens to adversely affect the economy in many parts of the world. In this context, the Prime Minister also mentioned India’s recent
initiative to organise a video conference among SAARC countries.
The two leaders agreed that a similar exercise at the level of G20 leaders, under the aegis of Saudi Arabia as the Chair of G20, would be useful at a global scale, both for discussing specific measures to address the challenges posed by COVID-19 and also to instill confidence in the global populace.
Mr Modi and the Crown Prince decided that their officials would remain in close contact in this regard.