Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday today unveiled ‘Statue of Peace’ to mark the 151st Birth Anniversary celebrations of Vijay Vallabh Surishwer, via video conferencing. The Statue unveiled in the honour of the Jain acharya, has been named as ‘Statue of Peace’. The 151 inch tall statue has been made from Ashtadhatu i.e. 8 metals, with copper being the major constituent, and is installed at Vijay Vallabh Sadhana Kendra, Jetpura, in Pali, Rajasthan.

The Prime Minister paid tribute to the Jainacharya and the spiritual leaders present on the occasion. Mentioning two ‘Vallabhs’, Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel and the Vijay Vallabh Surishwer, Modi said that he feels blessed by the fact that after dedicating the world’s tallest statue of Sardar Patel- ‘Statue of Unity’, he is getting opportunity to unveil the ‘Statue of Peace’ of the Jainacharya Vijay Vallabh.

Reiterating his weight on 'vocal for local' Modi mentioned that as occurred during the opportunity battle, all the spiritual leaders ought to intensify the message of 'Atmanirbharta' (self-reliance) and lecture about the advantages of 'vocal for local'. He likewise said that the manner in which the nation upheld the local economy during the Diwali festival is an invigorating inclination. 

The Prime Minister said India has consistently indicated the way of harmony, peacefulness and

companionship to the world. Today the world is looking towards India for the comparative direction. In the event that you take a gander at the historical backdrop of India, at whatever point need emerged, some pious figure arose to control the society and that Acharya Vijay Vallabh was one such holy person. Referencing the instructive foundations set up by the Jainacharya, the Prime Minister applauded his endeavors to make the nation Atmanirbhar in the field of training as he set up numerous establishments saturated with indian qualities in states like Punjab, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh. He said these establishments have given endless industrialists, judges, doctors, and engineers who have given yeoman administration to the country.

Modi underscored the debt that the country owes to the efforts of these institutions in the field of women's education. These institutions kept the flame of female education alive in those difficult times. The Jainacharya established many institutions for girl children, and brought women to the mainstream. He said, the life of Acharya Vijay Vallabh was full of kindness, compassion and love for every living being. With his blessings, Bird Hospital and many gaushalas are running in the country today. "These are not ordinary institutions. These are the embodiment of the spirit of India and the hallmarks of India and Indian values," Modi aid

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