Prime Minister Narendra Modi will embark on a two-day visit to four states tomorrow, July 7. During his visit to Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh, Telangana, and Rajasthan, the Prime Minister will dedicate and lay the foundation stone of projects worth around 50,000 crore rupees.
Tomorrow, on the first day of visit, PM Modi will lay the foundation stone for various development projects in Chhattisgarh's Raipur including national highway projects worth around 6,400 crore rupees. On the same day, he will flag off two Vande Bharat trains from Gorakhpur in Uttar Pradesh. In Varanasi, he will attend
a public programme and inaugurate multiple development projects.
The next day, the Prime Minister will lay the foundation stone for several infrastructure development projects worth around 6,100 crore rupees in Warangal, Telangana, including national highway projects.
Later, he will lay the foundation stone for development projects worth over 24,300 crore rupees in Bikaner, Rajasthan. Mr Modi will also dedicate a new 30-bedded Employees' State Insurance Corporation Hospital there.