Prime Minister Narendra Modi will flag off five Vande Bharat Express Trains at Rani Kamalapati Railway Station in Madhya Pradesh today. The five trains are Bhopal (Rani Kamalapati)-Indore Vande Bharat Express, Bhopal (Rani Kamalapati)-Jabalpur Vande Bharat Express, Ranchi-Patna Vande Bharat Express, Dharwad-Bengaluru Vande Bharat Express and Madgaon-Mumbai Vande Bharat Express.
Bhopal-Indore Vande Bharat Express will facilitate easy and fast travel between two important cities of Madhya Pradesh and will improve the connectivity of the cultural, tourist and religious places in the region. Bhopal - Jabalpur Vande Bharat Express will connect Mahakaushal Region to the Central Region of Madhya Pradesh. Also, tourist places in the region will also be benefitted by improved connectivity.
Ranchi-Patna Vande Bharat Express will be the
first Vande Bharat for Jharkhand and Bihar. Enhancing connectivity between Patna and Ranchi, the train will be a boon for tourists, students and businessmen. Dharwad-Bengaluru Vande Bharat Express will connect Dharwad and Hubballi with Karnataka's capital Bengaluru.
It will immensely benefit tourists, students and industrialists in the region. Madgaon-Mumbai Vande Bharat Express will be Goa’s first Vande Bharat Express. It will run between Mumbai's Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus and Goa’s Madgaon station and help in boosting tourism in both Goa and Maharashtra.
In a tweet, Mr Modi said, these trains will improve connectivity in Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Goa, Bihar and Jharkhand. The Prime Minister will also interact with the BJP workers in Bhopal during the visit.