New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the Akhil Bharatiya Shiksha Samagam at Pragati Maidan in Delhi today. The Samagam will include sixteen sessions, in which discussions will be held on different themes. This include Access to quality education and governance, Equitable and Inclusive Education, Issues of Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Group, National Institute Ranking Framework and Internationalisation of Education, among others.
The programme coincides with the 3rd anniversary of National Education Policy (NEP) 2020. Our correspondent reports that the New National Education Policy has brought transformative changes in the education landscape.
Guided by the vision of Prime Minister Modi, National Education Policy was launched with a view to groom the youth and prepare them for leading the country in Amrit Kaal. It aims to prepare them for meeting the challenges of the future while keeping them grounded in basic human values.
During the three years of its implementation the policy has brought
radical transformation in the realms of school, higher and skill education. The two-day programme will provide a platform for academics, policymakers, industry representatives, teachers, and students from schools among others, to share their insights and best practices in implementing the NEP 2020.
During the programme, the Prime Minister will release the first installment of funds under the Pradhan Mantri Schools For Rising India (PM SHRI Scheme). The PM-SHRI schools will have a modern, transformational and holistic method of imparting education. These schools will nurture students in a way that they become engaged, productive, and contributing citizens for building an equitable, inclusive, and plural society as envisaged by NEP 2020.
Under the scheme there is provision of setting up of more than 14 thousand 500 PM SHRI Schools across the country by strengthening the existing schools. Prime Minister will also release education and skill curriculum books translated into twelve Indian languages.