New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will participate in the 9th National Handloom Day celebration today Bharat Mandapam, Pragati Maidan, Delhi. During the programme, Mr Modi will also launch the e-portal of 'Bhartiya Vastra evam Shilp Kosh'- a Repository of Textiles and Crafts that has been developed by the National Institute of Fashion Technology NIFT.
In a tweet, Mr Modi underlined the significance of the occasion in reinforcing the nation's dedication to promote indigenous textiles and handlooms in line with the 'Vocal For Local' initiative.
The programme will be attended by over 3000 handloom and khadi weavers, artisans and stakeholders from the textile and MSME sectors. It will bring together handloom clusters across India, NIFT campuses, Weaver
Service Centres, Indian Institute of Handloom Technology campuses, National Handloom Development Corporation, Handloom Export Promotion Council, KVIC institutions and various State Handloom Departments.
Prime Minister has always been a firm proponent of giving encouragement and policy support to the artisans and craftsmen, who are keeping alive the country’s rich tradition of artistry and craftsmanship. Guided by this vision, the government started celebrating National Handloom Day, with the first such celebration being held on 7th August, 2015. The date was specifically chosen as an ode to the Swadeshi Movement which was launched on 7th August 1905 and encouraged indigenous industries and in particular handloom weavers.