New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi released the ninth installment of financial benefit under Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi PM KISAN via video conferencing yesterday. Over 19 thousand crore rupees were transferred in the bank accounts of 9.5 crore farmer families.
Prime Minister said the country is going to celebrate its Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav in a few days and it is an opportunity for people to decide where they want to see the nation in 25 years. He said nation's farmers have a big role in deciding the state of India in 2047 when the country will complete 100 years of independence. Mr Modi said it is time to give a direction to India's agriculture, which can face new challenges and take advantage of new opportunities.
Mr Modi said the government has made the biggest ever purchase from farmers at MSP, be it Kharif or Rabi season. With this, about 1.70 lakh crore rupees have reached the account of paddy farmers and about 85 thousand crore rupees directly in the account of wheat farmers.
He said there has been an increase of almost 50 percent in the production of pulses in the country in the
last six years. He had urged the farmers of the country to increase the production of pulses a few years ago when there was a shortage of pulses.
Prime Minister said to become AatmaNirbhar in edible oil, the National Mission for Edible Oil- Oil Palm that is NMEO-OP has been initiated. Through NMEO-OP mission, more than 11 thousand crores will be invested in the cooking oil ecosystem. He said the Government will ensure that farmers get all facilities, from quality seeds to latest technology.
Mr Modi said, India has for the first time reached the top-10 countries of the world in terms of agricultural exports. The country has set new records of agricultural exports during the COVID19.
He also said small farmers are being given top priority in the agricultural policies of the country. He added that in the last years, serious efforts have been made to provide convenience and security to small farmers. Under PM Kisan Samman Nidhi, 1.60 lakh crore rupees has been given to farmers so far. Prime Minister also interacted with the beneficiaries of PM KISAN.