Prime Minister Narendra Modi yesterday released the seventh installment of financial benefit under Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) through video conferencing. With the push of a button, the Prime Minister enabled the transfer of more than Rs18,000 crore to over nine crore beneficiary farmer families.

The Prime Minister also had a conversation with farmers from six different States during the event. The farmers shared their experiences about PM-KISAN and also on various other initiatives taken by the government for the welfare of farmers.

The farmers said they have received due payments under PM-Kisan Samman Nidhi which have helped them enhance their produce. One of the farmers said, under the PM-Kisan Yojana and crop diversification scheme, he is able to sell his produce outside the APMC Mandis and earn a lot more for his family.

In his address, Mr Modi said, Rs 18 thousand crore have been deposited directly in the bank accounts of more than 9 crore farmer families of the country at one click. He said, ever since this scheme started, more than Rs 1,10,000 crore have reached the accounts of farmers.

The Prime Minister stressed that the NDA government is committed to the welfare of farmers. He said, the Government is making life easier for farmers in villages, but those making big speeches today did nothing for farmers when they were in power. 

Mr. Modi said, he is pained that more than 70 lakh farmers of West Bengal have not been able to get the benefit of PM-KISAN. He said, more than 23 lakh farmers of West Bengal have applied online to take advantage of this scheme, but the State government has stopped the verification process.


Prime Minister stressed that the NDA government is committed to the welfare of farmers. He said, the Government is making life easier for farmers in villages, but those making big speeches today did nothing for farmers when they were in power. Mr. Modi said, he is pained that more than 70 lakh farmers of West Bengal have not been able to get the benefit of PM-KISAN. 

He said, more than 23 lakh farmers of West Bengal have applied online to take advantage of this scheme, but the State government has stopped the verification process.

The Prime Minister stressed that the NDA Government has been working with an aim to reduce the input cost of the farmers of the country and schemes like soil health card, neem coating of urea, solar pumps were started. He said, for a better crop insurance cover to farmers, Government launched PM Fasal Bima Yojana and crores of farmers are getting benefit of it.

Mr Modi said, the NDA Government has tried to ensure that the country's farmer gets a fair price for his crop. He said, the Government fixed one and a half times the production cost as MSP for the farmers as per the recommendations of the long-standing Swaminathan Committee report. He added the number of crops for which MSP is available were also increased.

He said, today, a campaign is going on to create more than 10 thousand Farmers Producer organizations, FPO in the country and financial assistance is being given to them. The Prime Minister said, now the time has come for Brand India to establish itself in the agricultural markets of the world with equal prestige. Mr Modi said, through the agricultural reforms, the Government has given better options to the farmers.

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