Prime Minister Narendra Modi will launch the distribution of e-property cards under the SVAMITVA scheme today at 12 noon. In a virtual event over four lakh property owners will be given their e-property cards which will also mark the rolling out of the SVAMITVA scheme for implementation across the country.
Prime Minister will also confer the National Panchayat Awards 2021 on the occasion of National Panchayati Raj day today. The award money
ranging from 5 to 50 lakh will be directly transferred to the bank account of the Panchayats concerned on real time basis. Union Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar will also attend the event.
SVAMITVA (Survey of Villages and Mapping with Improvised Technology in Village Areas) scheme was launched by Prime Minister on 24th April last year as a Central Sector Scheme to promote a socio-economically empowered and self-reliant rural India.