Senior NCP leader and Rajya Sabha MP Praful Patel on Wednesday said the party is still coming to terms with its supremo Sharad Pawar’s sudden announcement to resign as the party's chief. Addressing a press conference in Mumbai last evening, Mr. Patel said there is no question of choosing the successor at this point in time as Mr. Pawar has obliged the party’s request and is reconsidering his decision. Clarifying that he is not in the race for the coveted post, Mr. Patel said he already has a lot of responsibilities as the party’s national Vice President.
While replying to a question of whether Mr. Pawar decided to quit due to internal politics, Mr. Patel said that is mere speculation and the party
stands united and together under the leadership of Mr. Pawar. He added that even if Mr. Pawar does step down, he will continue to remain the party's supremo, its identity, its face and the one who will keep working for the masses of Maharashtra.
Mr. Patel further clarified that Mr. Pawar’s decision to continue or resign from the post will have no bearing on its coalition with Shiv Sena and Congress in the state as the leader will continue to remain active in public life.
On leaders such as NCP General Secretary Jitendra Awhad resigning from their posts, Mr. Patel said party workers and leaders must have patience and trust Mr. Pawar's decisions.