Pune: BJP Member of Rajya Sabha Prakash Javadekar has said that India Post is a testimony of Digital India as services like passport, Aadhar and banking are now being provided through post offices. He was speaking after inaugurating two special covers on Mahila Samman Savings Certificate Scheme and Mahadev Koli Tribe in Pune yesterday evening.
Mr. Javadekar said many sectors have been transformed under the able leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi during the last nine years. Today’s
India Post is a face of transforming India and people should participate in this process, he exhorted. On this occasion, Mr. Javadekar felicitated employees of India Post who have given outstanding contributions to popularise the Mahila Samman Savings Scheme.
The Pune Region of India Post has opened thousands of Mahila Samman Savings Certificate accounts within a short period of time and helped them in becoming economically self-reliant.