Union Railways Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw said, a preliminary inquiry into the Bikaner-Guwahati train mishap showed that there might be a glitch in the locomotive equipment. Detailed investigation is on to look into the issue. At least nine passengers died and 55 injured when 12 coaches of the Assam-bound train got derailed and near Domohani in West Bengal on Thursday.
The minister who visited the mishap site, said, the Commission of Railway safety is conducting an inquiry to find the root cause behind the accident. He added, Ministry of Railways has paid all the ex- gratia amounts payments in the shortest possible time to the next of the kin of those lost their lives in the train accident as
well as to the injured.
Mr.Vaishnaw informed, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is monitoring the situation.
Guwahati-Bikaner express train derailed on Thursday near New Domohani Railway station in West Bengal. Team of Railways made arrangements overnight and made ex-gratia
The Railways has paid an ex-gratia amount of 5 lakh rupees each to the next of kin of 9 persons who have lost their lives in the accident. In case of grievous injuries, an amount of one lakh rupees was paid to 10 persons each. 25 thousand rupees was given to 26 persons who sustained simple injuries.