New Delhi: President Ram Nath Kovind has appointed New Governors for eight states. Union Minister Thawarchand Gehlot has been appointed as the new Governor of Karnataka while BJP leader Mangubhai Chhaganbhai Patel will be the new Governor of Madhya Pradesh.
BJP leader Dr. Hari Babu Kambhampati will be Governor of Mizoram and another party leader Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar has been appointed as the Governor of Himachal
In a press communique, Rashtrapati Bhavan said, Mizoram Governor P.S. Sreedharan Pillai has been appointed as the new Governor of Goa. Haryana Governor Satyadev Narayan Arya will now be the Governor of Tripura. Tripura Governor Ramesh Bais is the new Governor of Jharkhand in place of Draupadi Murmu. Himachal Pradesh Governor Bandaru Dattatreya has been appointed as new Governor of Haryana.