The President of India, Smt Droupadi Murmu has attended various programs on the second day of her maiden visit to West Bengal. She started the day by visiting Belur Math on Tuesday morning. She visited the temples of Swami Vivekananda and Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa.
The President was accompanied by the Governor CV Anand Bose, state Forest minister Birbaha Hansda, General Secretary of Ramakrishna Math and Mission Swami Subiranananda and co-operative minister Arup Roy. After visiting Belur Math, She attended the 80th anniversary of UCO Bank in a programme organised at Science city auditorium.
President later arrived at Santiniketan in afternoon. She went to Rabindra Bhavan, paid her respects to Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore, visited Kala Bhavan, Sangeet Bhavan and went to Amrakunj, where the President attended the Convocation ceremony of Visva Bharati.
In her speech, the President urged Visva Bharati to come forward to show the way to the country in the expansion of women's education and the development of women. She said that she is extremely happy with Visva Bharati's endeavours in the field of women empowerment. After returning to Kolkata from Shantiketan, she flew to Delhi.