President Droupadi Murmu on Monday (April 22) conferred Padma Vibhushan to former Vice President of India M Venkaiah Naidu in the field of Public Affairs. He received the honour at a ceremonial function held at the Rashtrapati Bhavan in the national capital. Several other personalities were conferred with Padma Awards by the President. Among the recipients were founder of Sulabh International Bindeshwar Pathak, actor Mithun Chakraborty.
The President lauded the former Vice President and said that he made for himself a unique place with "humane
approach towards governance".
"President Droupadi Murmu presents Padma Vibhushan for outstanding public service to Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu, the 13th Vice-President of India. His long and illustrious career as a leader spans over five decades. He made for himself a unique place in Indian politics with his simplicity and a humane approach towards governance," Rashtrapati Bhavan posted on X.
Naidu, Pathak, who was given the award posthumously, and renowned Bharatanatyam dancer Padma Subrahmanyam were conferred with the Padma Vibhushan.