Raipur: President Droupadi Murmu graced the State-level launch of the theme “The Year of Positive Change” of Brahma Kumaris at Raipur, the capital of Chhattisgarh yesterday. Speaking on the occasion, the President said, today, we are living in the era of technology. But it is necessary to spend some time away from electronic gadgets. This is very important for our physical as well as mental health, she added.
The President urged all to develop their inner strength, keep doing positive work, and stay with positive thoughts and good company. She advised to be in the
company of such people who inspire to follow the right path.
Chhattisgarh Governor Biswabhusan Harichandan and Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel were also present on the occasion.
The President is on a two-day visit to Chhattisgarh. On the second day of her visit, the President will attend the 10th convocation ceremony of Guru Ghasidas Central University in Bilaspur today. She will also interact with the members of Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups of Chhattisgarh at Raj Bhavan, in Raipur today.