President Droupadi Murmu is embarking on a 4-day visit to Tamilnadu and Puducherry on 5th August 2023. On her first day, the President will visit the Mudumalai Tiger Reserve, in the Nilgiri District. She will be interacting with the protagonists of the Oscar-winning short film, The Elephant Whisperers, Bomman, and Belli, whom she will personally congratulate.
Later, her visit will continue with a trip to the Mudumalai Theppakkadu elephant breeding camp, where she will meet the tribal communities residing in the area. This will be followed by a special visit to the tribal model village.
On 6th August 2023, the President will grace the
165th Convocation of the prestigious University of Madras. After the ceremony, she will have an interaction with the 'Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups' at Rajbhavan, Tamil Nadu.
The President will also honour the great Mahakavi C. Subramania Bharathi by renaming the Durbar Hall at Rajbhavan the Bharathiyaar Hall and unveiling his timeless portrait, symbolising the enduring legacy of our nation's rich literary heritage.
The President will visit Matrimandir in Auroville on the last day of her visit. On the same day, she will also participate in other events in Puducherry.