President Ram Nath Kovind has said the Supreme Court of India deserves admiration for carrying out many radical reforms that made justice more accessible to common people. With the same sensitivity, it has approached the emerging questions of biodiversity and sustainable development, keeping in mind the age-old ethos too.
The President was speaking at the Valedictory Session of the two-day International Judicial Conference in New Delhi yesterday.
The President said, from issuing guidelines on preventing sexual harassment in the workplace two decades ago to providing directives for granting equal status to women in the army this month, the Supreme Court
has led progressive social transformation. Pursuing the cherished goal of gender justice, it has always been pro-active and progressive.
He said, dispute resolution through mediation and conciliation would help resolve the problem amicably in an effective manner instead of resorting to a lengthy litigation process. The recent move towards introducing an alternative dispute resolution mechanism is expected to reduce the burden on the court to a considerable extent.
He said the landmark judgments passed by the Supreme Court have strengthened the legal and constitutional framework of the country.