President Ram Nath Kovind will reach Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh today on his 5 day visit to the state. During the tour, he will visit his birthplace Paraunkh in Kanpur Dehat district and later he will go to state capital Lucknow.
Mr Kovind will take part in various programs scheduled at his birthplace. The visit is special in the terms that after a long time any president of India will take the train route to reach to his destination. AIR correspondent reports that this is the first time that the President Ramnath Kovind will visit his birthplace Paraunkh in Kanpur dehat district after taking over his present assignment.
A grand welcome is scheduled at Paraunkh on this occasion It is also the first visit of President in India through train.
President Ram Nath Kovind will embark on a
journey to Kanpur on a special Presidential train today from Safdarjung railway station in Delhi this afternoon. The stations on route have been decorated to welcome the president on his first train journey.
The train will make two stop-overs, at Jhinjhak and Rura of Kanpur Dehat, where the President will interact with his old acquaintances from his school days and from early days of his social service. The two stop-overs are close to the President’s birthplace, village Paraunkh of Kanpur Dehat, where two functions to felicitate him are scheduled on Sunday.
On June 28, the President will board the train at Kanpur Central railway station to reach Lucknow for his two-day visit to the state capital. On June 29, he will return to New Delhi on a special flight.