Bengaluru: President Draupadi Murmu interacted with Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups at Raj Bhavan yesterday in Bengaluru. Jenu Kuruba and Koraga Tribal communities from Karnataka are considered Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs).
Governor Thaawarchand Gehlot and Karnataka Tribal Welfare Minister B Nagendra were present on this occasion.
The President addressing the Tribal community from vulnerable sections of the society expressed the need to educate them. She said that the Tribal Women Empowerment Scheme of the Government should reach them.
The women especially from the community must achieve a doctoral degree. She also highlighted the importance of Pradhan Mantri PVTG Development Mission aimed at uplifting these communities in the country. She said this is a crucial step
towards eradicating sickle cell anemia by 2047.
She hoped that the state provides access to higher education to such sections of the society.
The President pointed out that the Tribes can contribute to the welfare of the country only when they are empowered and their fundamental rights are protected.
She called upon the state governments to ensure that no child from the PVTG community is deprived of education.
Expressing her wish, the President hoped that over 10 crore tribal people, including around 28 lakh PVTG members would develop their talents and contribute their best to society and the country.
The President later presented gifts to the participants from the Koraga and Jenu Kuruba tribes.