President Droupadi Murmu, who is on a five-day visit to her home state Odisha from Tuesday, will attend the 40th convocation of Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology in Bhubaneswar today. She is also scheduled to inaugurate the Bhubaneswar Judicial Court Complex, a five-storey building with state-of-the-art amenities including 55 courtrooms, record rooms, a library and a conference hall this afternoon.
The President will visit her home district Mayurbhanj from tomorrow to interact with
residents of Uparbeda village, her birthplace. She will also interact with students and teachers at the Mahila Mahavidyalaya in Rairangpur. President Murmu is also scheduled to lay the foundation of Bangiriposi-Gorumahisani, Buramara-Chakulia and Badampahar-Kendujhargarh railway lines, a tribal research and development centre, Dandbose airport and a sub-divisional hospital in Rairangpur on Saturday. Security cover has been tightened in Bhubaneswar for the President’s visit.