New Delhi: President Droupadi Murmu will present “Bhoomi Samman” 2023 in New Delhi on Tuesday. Bhoomi Samman will be given to nine State Secretaries and 68 District Collectors along with their teams who have excelled in achieving saturation of the core components of Digital India Land Records Modernization Programme.
Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Minister Giriraj Singh stated this event is extremely significant for Revenue and Registration functionaries of the State, who would receive the “Bhoomi Samman” for the first time in the last 75 years for their outstanding
performance. He further said that the “Bhoomi Samman” Scheme is a fine example of Centre-State cooperative federalism based on trust and partnership.
The grading system is largely based on reports and inputs of the States and UTs in the core components of computerization and digitization of land records. The Minister added that Digitization process of land records and registration will help mitigate the huge pendency of court cases involving land disputes cutting down the GDP loss to the country’s economy due to projects being stalled.