President Ram Nath Kovind will embark on a five-day visit to Tamil Nadu today. Coinciding with the centenary celebrations of the state Legislative Assembly in Chennai, he is scheduled to unveil the portrait of former chief minister and the DMK’s patriarch M. Karunanidhi in its premises this afternoon.
The state Assembly, earlier known as the Madras Legislative Council, first met this day in 1921, whose centenary celebrations are being held today. The House that functions at the 17th century Fort St George in Chennai has the prestige of making historic legislation. They include giving voting rights for women in its very first year. It led Dr Muthulakshmi Reddy, the first Indian
woman doctor in the Government Maternity and Ophthalmic Hospital in Madras to become the first woman legislator in India, who contributed to several social reforms.
President Kovind will be unveiling the portrait of the DMK leader M. Karunanidhi, popularly known as Kalaignar, who led the party for about half a century and ruled the state as the Chief Minister during five different terms.
Later, after a brief sojourn at the Raj Nivas Ooty campus, he will attend a function in the Defence Services Staff College at Wellington in the Nilgiris district on Wednesday. He will address the trainees there.