President Droupadi Murmu and Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar have extended their warm greetings and good wishes to the people on the eve of Dussehra. In her message, the President said, the festival of Dussehra marks the victory of good over evil. She added that the eastern and southern states celebrate Dussehra as the victory of Goddess Durga over the evil demon Mahishasura while northern and western states celebrate this festival as Lord Rama’s victory over Ravana.
The President said that Dussehra teaches people to get rid of ego and negativity which symbolize ‘evil’, and embrace the feelings of oneness and love for all

which symbolize ‘good’.  She added that the values of Lord Rama inspire to walk on the path of Dharma despite the harshest tests and adversities of life.
President Murmu urged the people to work together for the prosperity of the country and well-being of all and specially the underprivileged ones.
Vice-President Dhankhar in his message said that Dussehra is an occasion to reaffirm our faith in righteousness, and to imbibe and cherish values of truth, justice, compassion and courage. He wished the festival brings peace, prosperity and harmony.

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