New Delhi: President Droupadi Murmu has extended her heartiest greetings to countrymen and Indians living abroad on the eve of Vaisakhi, Vishu, Rongali Bihu, Naba Barsha, Vaisakhadi, and Puthandu Pirappu. In a message today, the President said that these farmers’ festivals, celebrated in different parts of our country, present a glimpse of India's rich cultural heritage and diversity. She said, these festivals are celebrations of the happiness, prosperity, and progress which follow the hard work of farmers.
President Murmu wished that these joyous festivals would inspire everyone to contribute to the progress of the nation and spread the spirit of harmony among all fellow
Meanwhile, Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar greeted fellow citizens on the occasion of Baisakhi, Meshadi, Vaishakhadi, Puthandu, Vishu, Naba Barsha, and Bohag Bihu. In a message today, the Vice President said, these festivals are an integral part of India's diverse culture and traditions, symbolizing the spirit of unity, harmony, and brotherhood. Highlighting the association of humans with nature, he stressed preserving and protecting natural resources.
Mr Dhankar also lauded the contribution of farmers who work tirelessly to provide all with food and nourishment. He wished that these festivals would bring joy, happiness, and prosperity to all.