New Delhi: Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister, Dr. P.K. Mishra chaired the seventh meeting of the Coordination Committee on India’s G20 Presidency at Bharat Mandapam in Pragati Maidan, New Delhi yesterday.
The meeting covered the Summit preparedness in substantive as well as logistical aspects. Progress and outcomes on both Sherpa and Finance track were reviewed. A discussion was held on the Indian Presidency’s priorities including Green Development, accelerating Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), strong sustainable balanced, inclusive growth, digital public infrastructure, gender
equality and reform of multilateral institutions.
The Sherpa informed that so far, a total of 185 meetings including 13 at the Ministerial level have been concluded covering almost all States and Union Territories in the country. Besides, 12 outcome documents, 12 other deliverables with consensus have been adopted.
Secretary, Information and Broadcasting briefed about the arrangements for media, like setting up of media center and media accreditation. So far, more than 3,200 media personnel have registered for the Summit.