Gandhinagar: In Gujarat, the Private Universities (Second Amendment) Bill, 2021 was passed unanimously in the State Assembly on the first day of the Monsoon Session. The bill will stop grant-in-aid colleges from getting affiliated to private universities. The two-day session began yesterday which is the first session after the swearing-in of the Bhupendra Patel Government.
While tabling the bill in the Assembly, Education Minister Jitubhai Vaghani said that the government decided to reconsider its earlier decision of allowing
such affiliation after receiving several representations from various stakeholders against this move. The bill was also supported by the Opposition parties.
Today, the house will take up Gujarat Goods and Services Tax Amendment Act, 2021, the ‘Kaushalya’ the Skill University Bill and the Indian Partnership Gujarat Amendment Act, 2021. Earlier, the house elected Dr Nimaben Acharya as the Speaker of the house and Jethabhai Bharwad as the Deputy Speaker of the house.